Alan Miller & Dr. David Overbey

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Republican Hypocrisy, Bondage Style

Today's CJ [I can't find the article Dave is referring to so here is another article about this same thing. -AM] reports that the Republican National Committee fired director Rob Bickhart and deputy Debbie LeHardy over allegations of lavish expenditures and reimbursements to attend a lesbian bondage-themed nightclub in Los Angeles. These are the same homophobes who want to cut spending on education, the arts, health care, and infrastructure because they are not important and a frivolous expense that supports people who do not act in the best interest of society. Ooooh, it hurts so good!


  1. Liars, swindlers, and thieves. Where would American politics be without them?

  2. Good question. I'm going to posit the answer: better.


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