Alan Miller & Dr. David Overbey

Saturday, July 23, 2011

You Kids Get Off My Lawn!!!

Tom Tomorrow - This Modern World - Middle Man

Harry Potter and Cultural Malaise

Apparently the last of the countless Harry Potter films is soon to be released, meaning maybe I will finally get a break from a sad cultural trend that has turned the art of fiction into more pop culture mindless fluff.  I will tell unabashedly up-front that I haven't read the books or seen the films and will criticize them anyway.  Here is my reason: the real measure of fiction--as well as art and music--is not the subjective reaction of the mediocre majority, but the zeitgeist out of which they come and to which they contribute.  These are dreary times we live in.  People are obviously uninspired, feel hopeless and helpless, and are incapable of organizing and intervening in their own lives and communities to make things better.  And what does Harry Potter afford?  The chance to turn reading fiction into a day-after-Thanksgiving stampede to get the latest book?  To watch Daniel Radcliff turn into another overpaid alcoholic actor?  These are boring times we live in, hardly magical or adventureous.  Go ahead and criticize me for criticizing books and films I haven't read or seen.  It may make you feel better but it will not improve your life, just like going along with the mindless herd behind this ridiculous craze of idol worship.  I don't plan to anytime soon either--like between now and when I die.  I want to re-read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, the poetry of Whitman, Keats, and Plath, the proverbs of Blake.  I want to re-read John Ashbery's Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror.  For people who really like to read, and appreciate literature as an art form rather zealously obsessing on one series of books like a religious fanatic, that is the kind of material they read.  Literature is supposed to challenge people intellectually and emotionally, not just entertain and serve as a mindless, momentary escape from the malaise in which we know we live.  Having caved in and joined the world of Facebook and been as understanding of my fellow humans and their frailty as I can, I know there are people out there who agree with me, I know I'm not alone in my convictions . . . but I am alone in my lack of complacency and disdain for conformity.

The Audacity of Obama

While I was getting the latest on our do-nothing worthless federal government about the "dead end debt ceiling" talks, a CNN poll showed that Obama's approval rating had dropped to an all-time low of 45%.  The main reason: a drop in liberal support.  Again and again, Obama panders to conservative interest, alienates his liberal base, does nothing to improve the economy while banks make record profits, and somehow remains convinced that he can gain the support of conservatives who would rather see the national and world economies collapse than meet him halfway on any political conflict.  In addition to continuing the incredibly expensive, unfunded, forlorn wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, he is spending a million dollars a day to bomb Libya--without Congressional approval, using his cryptic, wraped, legal mind into rationalizing we are not in a conflict with Libya, only at war with them.  Had Obama ended the wars immediately on entering office and spent money subsidizing business at every level to put people back to work, he would have nothing to worry about.  Instead, he remains convinced that as long as he stays in good favor with Wall Street, the money will be there for him to win re-election.  Like so many Americans, the sad truth about Obama is that he only cares about himself and his money.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

News Item: Obama to Double Down on Pot Enforcement

NPR did a story today on the Obama administration's new push to enforce Federal cannabis laws.  One official was quoted saying pot is "addictive" which is patently untrue in the physical sense.  Marijuana is less physically addictive than chocolate.  Anyway, the gist is they're going to go after Federal pot offenses including medical dispensaries because they have to fight the war on drugs.  All I can say is, "What the FUCK?!?"

Let me quote the President himself for you:

“When it comes to medical marijuana, my attitude is if it is an issue of doctors prescribing marijuana, I think that should be appropriate. Whether I want to use a whole lot of political capital on (this) issue; the likelihood of that being real high on my priority list is not likely.” - President Obama 2011

“The war on drugs has been an utter failure. (W)e need to rethink and decriminalize our (nation’s) marijuana laws.” -Barack Obama, January 2004

‎"When I was a kid I inhaled frequently. That was the point."
- Barack Obama quote on Marijuana

I agree with that guy, except on being willing to fight to change the law.  We're spending a fortune jailing people that have only bought and sold pot.  Never threatened anyone, shot anyone, stabbed anyone, ordered the assassination of anyone, sent an army into senseless wars, approved the use of torture, no REAL crimes (other than possibly tax evasion which is kind of unfair when you can do time for having the business for which you are avoiding taxes...) were committed. So many women are in prison as accessories to the felonies that their husbands/boyfriends committed but got off on by ratting on associates.  These laws are part of what is destroying this country, so why would Obama want to increase the resources in enforcement?

Here are my guesses:
1.  Local police departments need an excuse to pull (mostly dark skinned) people over and search their cars.
2.  The Feds apparently need something to do since there's no crime on Wall Street, in our banks, in our Defense procurement, in lobbying, or in the illegal sale of firearms.
3.  The DEA, rather than admitting they've been spewing bullshit propaganda about pot for almost 80 years will do anything to keep lying about the effects of recreational drug use, especially marijuana.
4.  Big oil does not want hemp to be a common crop because the oil from the seeds and the fibers from the stalks can replace many petroleum products.
4.  Big Pharma does not want a powerful and effective pain killer and mood enhancer that people can easily grow in their back yards to be legal.

I don't remember voting for George W. Bush III.  Damned shame that's what I got.

Friday, July 1, 2011


For reasons beyond the control of the producer there was no podcast recorded this week.  The co-host Dr. David Overbey vanished after calling in to set up the recording session.  The producer and other co-host was left with a couple of ruined hours in his evening.
