Alan Miller & Dr. David Overbey

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


We have a special edition podcast coming out soon.  It's mostly about one thing:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Obama-con's war on California

In the last two months, President of the Banks of America Obama-con has made it clear his number one domestic priority is to go to war against the state of California, largely because it has been the cultural leader in ending Prohibition through its medical marijuana (MMJ) program.  After telling the country in 2009 he had no problem with MMJ as long as dispensaries complied with state law--consistent with an adherence to the 10th Amendment and States' rights--he then did a 180° on his policy and has vowed* a culture war against the state.  Since then, a NY Times editorial reported earlier this month (Nov. 2011) that in order for California to continue to receive federal funding** state regulators had to promise to end their investigation of the state's banks.  Of course, as the editorial points out, without a complete investigation, there is no way to know accurately just how many laws the banks have broken, and continue to break--fradulent lending practices, selling high volatility risk packages, robo-signing (a form of forgery wherein bankers sign someone else's name to loans without even reading them and making a sensible assessment of loan-seekers personal worth***).  My digust with Obama-con has reached a boiling point with his oppositon to Occupy Wall Street, the obvious co-ordinated, nationwide shut down of the protests, punctuated with pepper-spraying of protesters sitting in a park.  Make no mistake:  it is no coincidence the pepper-spraying occured in California and it was a directive that came from the Justice Department.  Obama-con hates Occupy Wall Street, loves the banks, the oil industry (remember his 58 days of silence during the Gulf oil disaster of 2010), and the other uber-rich industries that use government force, not successful free-market competitive strategies, to stay rich and get richer.****

This is Obama-con's America: defend and coddle the banks and Wall Street which brought the nation's and world's economy to the brink of collapse, then attack the one developing industry that could infuse life back into California's--and other states'--economies.  The state of California is broke.  Contrary to the dull-minded Obama-con, a successful economy does not depend on long-entrenched, super wealthy organizations like the banks, but on creating new industries that promote developmental work, like the MMJ industry.  Without new industrial development, there is no way an economy can grow.  The banks of today are merely products of economic creativity in the past: once upon they, just like the automobile and oil industries, did not exist.  The result is Obama-con reinforces his disdain for free market values, making sure the banks can never fail no matter how sloppy, irresponsible, and illegal their operations, while being hell-bent on perpetuating the lies and hysteria over what much of the nation has realized by now is a mostly harmless drug - especially when compared to the legal opiates the pharmaceutical companies hawk that have led to more drug overdose deaths than car accident deaths for the first time in the nation's history - that offer adults much needed pain relief and mood elevation.

If this were the sixties, Obama-con, half-black, would be ordering the beating of blacks.  The pepper-spraying incident at UC-Davis is as revolting as any betrayal of civility and 1st Amendment rights since the Kent State shootings of May 1970.  What good are university campuses if they are not a place for free expression and challenging the status quo?  Why do we need universities to promote ideas and ways of doing things that are already entrenched?  The public should hold Obama-con accountable and demand that he resign.  He is a stooge of the rich and a traitor of the rights of non-priviledged citizens that are the bedrock of this nation's identity.

* [lack of statement does not equal a vow. -ed]
** [funding for what?]
*** [see?  you explain things here]
**** [the other half of MOpod divorces himself from such a direct connection, though not saying that an elastic connection exists]

Monday, November 21, 2011

Wow. Just Wow.

Michele Bachmann makes herself subservient to all the men on the stage. I'm speechless.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

She's Back! And Bat Shit Crazy As Always

Birther queen Orly Taitz is back and she's as batshit crazy as ever.  Yes, having her law license revoked and being fined for wasting the time of California courts means nothing to this lunatic.  She filed a suit to have President Obama removed from the ballot in New Hampshire which was summarily and unanimously thrown out by the Ballot Law Commission.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Last week we posted this picture from the internets:

We have since found that the numbers are suspect and have to admit that the definition of "job creation" is a bit vague.  From PolitiFact:
If  you look at alternative job-related subject headings, the number of bills offered by lawmakers from both parties actually exceeded most of the social issues listed in the blog post.  We rated the claim Pants on Fire.
We continue to agree with the spirit of the photograph which is the GOP has done everything it can to avoid improving our situation in this country and are busy dicking around with stupid shit that will never get through the Senate or past the President's veto pen.  We regret the errors made by the person that made the picture and wish we had been the one to catch them.  On the other hand, we are more opinion than journalism here at MOpod, similar to Fox News except we will admit when a mistake has been made.

Episode 78

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Linky Dinks!

Marijuana Cures Cancer!!!  ...and our government has known about it since the seventies.

That's right, even a Koch funded study finds that the climate is changing as fast as scientists have been saying it is."A single winter storm does nothing to disprove that the planet is getting warmer, but that doesn't stop scientifically illiterate pundits from hi-fiving and telling nonsensical jokes about Al Gore every time it snows. ""Richard Muller, a physicist at University of California, Berkeley, announced the results of new research from the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Project affirming that the planet is getting warmer and confirming the accuracy of several other existing global temperature recorOh yeah, feel that sweet liberal bias... oh wait... ABC Still Fumbling Green Car Story | Media Matters for America ds... One-quarter of the $600,000 to do the research came from the Charles Koch Foundation" 

Oh yeah, feel that sweet liberal bias... oh wait... ABC Still Fumbling Green Car Story | Media Matters for America 

In case you weren't paying attention, Pat Buchanan is still a horrible piece of shit.

"Republicans may have found their Michael Dukakis, a technocratic Massachusetts governor who takes his bearings from ‘data’ … Has conservatism come so far, surmounting so many obstacles, to settle, at a moment of economic crisis, for THIS?" - George Will"Not data?!!!Yes, data. Conservatives don’t like Romney in part because he lets facts and events influence his views."Who would want a President that pays attention to reality? Not Republicans, apparently.

Hey, what's wrong with violating Federal laws for your boss?

Iraq War Vet Hospitalized with Fractured Skull After Being Shot by Police at Occupy Oakland Protest

No! There's not endemic racism in the GOP?!? That's can't be! That whole "Southern Strategy" thing is a liberal myth, right?

"NASA experienced two suspicious events with the Terra spacecraft in the summer and fall of 2008." - Of course with the new GOP (aka Teabaggers) we will soon have no functioning satellites of any kind and our life will be so much more exciting as we'll have no way to track hurricanes or other severe weather.

Some pictures, graphs and other videos (had to post Herman twice). 
