Alan Miller & Dr. David Overbey

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Audacity of Obama

While I was getting the latest on our do-nothing worthless federal government about the "dead end debt ceiling" talks, a CNN poll showed that Obama's approval rating had dropped to an all-time low of 45%.  The main reason: a drop in liberal support.  Again and again, Obama panders to conservative interest, alienates his liberal base, does nothing to improve the economy while banks make record profits, and somehow remains convinced that he can gain the support of conservatives who would rather see the national and world economies collapse than meet him halfway on any political conflict.  In addition to continuing the incredibly expensive, unfunded, forlorn wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, he is spending a million dollars a day to bomb Libya--without Congressional approval, using his cryptic, wraped, legal mind into rationalizing we are not in a conflict with Libya, only at war with them.  Had Obama ended the wars immediately on entering office and spent money subsidizing business at every level to put people back to work, he would have nothing to worry about.  Instead, he remains convinced that as long as he stays in good favor with Wall Street, the money will be there for him to win re-election.  Like so many Americans, the sad truth about Obama is that he only cares about himself and his money.

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