Alan Miller & Dr. David Overbey

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ogre-oid: Republicans Blame Democrats for Teabagger Epithets

Just to bring you up to date, at a recent gathering of the lunatic right (i.e. the Republican non-ultramega "base") to protest health care reform the crowd chanted "nigger" at Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) as he went from building to building and an elderly man shouted, "Barney, you faggot" at Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) to laughter from the rest of the crowd.  Civilized Americans would be appalled at this behavior (which I believe reveals more about the true reason for teabagger anger than any bills in Congress) but Republicans' reaction to it can be summed up in muted at best or completely nutjob like Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) who blamed it on (wait for it)  the Democrats and their "totalitarian tactics" like majority rule by our elected representatives.

"When you use totalitarian tactics, people begin to act crazy. And I think, y'know there's people that have every right to say what they want. If they want to smear someone they can do it. It's not appropriate. and I think I would stop short of characterizing the 20,000 people who were protesting that all of them were doing that."
It must be fun living through the looking glass where everything is the opposite of reality.  A universe where this utterly flawed reform bill contains "Death Panels," forces us to euthanize Grandma, eliminates Medicare (a program the Republicans suddenly want to protect fiercely after trying to kill it since it was first suggested), and will put America so deeply in debt we won't be able to keep the lights on (as opposed to the huge savings the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says it will deliver over the course of the next decade.  A universe where fascism and communism are the same thing.  A universe where a parliamentary procedure they used to ram through Bush's tax cuts which have nearly bankrupted the country (and when added to the price tag for his insane foreign wars they may very well have bankrupted us, we just haven't filed for Chapter 11 yet) is suddenly "exotic" and like nothing that has ever been done before in history. 

When the revolution comes I want to be one of the ones lining these SOBs up against the wall.  They've destroyed this country and will not stop until slavery and indentured servitude is the most common state of the lower classes.  If you vote Republican, FUCK YOU.

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