Alan Miller & Dr. David Overbey

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bat Shit Crazy Report: Christine O'Donnell

I'm just going to let it be known that the hyper religious are fucking crazy in my opinion.  That, and they're really fucking obnoxious.  This self centered little Jesus whore reminds me of the religious kids I went to high school with.  Always pitying me that I wasn't "saved" while filled with pride over how superior they were.  I wonder how many of these worthless pathetic backwoods rednecks are still on their first marriage and how many of them were married the first time because "they had to."  Anyway, her opposition to masturbation might explain why she's the current bat shit crazy GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate in Delaware.  Enjoy this little video from a mere 14 years ago of Christine O'Donnell telling MTV about "The Savior's Alliance for Lifting the Truth" (S.A.L.T.).  You can't masturbate without lust in your hearts, kids!

1 comment:

  1. She asks at the end, "Why am I in the picture?"

    Says it all!

    Think I'll watch this one more time and rub one out!

