Alan Miller & Dr. David Overbey

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mission Accomplished?

So the "combat mission" has ended in Iraq, right?

1 comment:

  1. If American forces have withdrawn, then how can any Americans still be getting killed? The comments from Iraqis reflect Obama's self-serving politics. He isn't withdrawing forces because Iraq has "stablized." He's doing for political reasons only: so he can tell voters in the mid-term election season that he's made good on his promise to withdraw forces by 2011--as though the only thing at stake in all this is Obama's popularity and desire to get re-elected. Meanwhile American deaths climb in Afghanistan. Yesterday's (22 Aug. 2010) C-J has an extensive story about rising death tolls in Afghanistan that have taken a toll on the Fort Campbell community. The same pattern holds true: have lots of people killed--including American soldiers--in the name of looking tough, then withdraw the troops without having accomplished anything to make the loss of life even more worthless. That's the Obama MO in a nutshell: be everything to everybody, for and against war, liberal and conservative, for the people and for the corporations. His leadership might not be as ostensibly cruel and arrogant as Bush-Cheney, but its equally mindless, and far less passionate.


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