Alan Miller & Dr. David Overbey

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Linky Dinks

Tom Tomorrow on Bi-Partisanship

Focus on the Family decides to keep teaching kids to hate fags.

The U.S. now in Afghanistan longer than the U.S.S.R.  We're number one!

Candorville reveals GOP strategy.

Despite convictions for two felonies (pretty much for fucking Democracy like a dead whore), Tom Delay probably will not do any prison time.  There is no justice in the USA.

Yes, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and that's the way they like it.

Rush Limbaugh hates Thanksgiving (or at least when Obama says anything about it).

Willie Nelson arrested for possession of pot.  What a stupid country this is.

58% of Republican voters say their newly elected representatives should refuse public health care.

TSA continues to waste our time and money:  a few examples of how awful and stupid the pat downs are.

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Value of economic-recovery bonds sold by Louisiana since Katrina: $5,900,000,000; percentage spent on New Orleans: 1%; on lower 9th Ward: 0; amount spent on the oil industry: 29%

 Full body scanners waste of money says Israeli expert.




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