Alan Miller & Dr. David Overbey

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Mess of October Ogre-oids To Upset Your Stomach

Ogre-fuck Number 1:

The perfect hypothetical example of why libertarianism is a giant vat of stupid has always been the fire department.  You would think we would've learned back in the 19th century that private fire companies that only served paying customers was a bad idea, but apparently one asshole Republican mayor in Obion County Tennessee decided it was a good idea.  One man who didn't pay the $75 fee for fire coverage watched his home burn to the ground as the fire department put out the fire in his neighbor's field.  Both the fire chief and the mayor should be taken out and hung from the nearest tree until they are dead.  Anyone that would watch their neighbor's home burn to the ground is a worthless son of a bitch and society would be better off without them.

Ogre-fuck Number 2:  
Containment pond ruptures in Hungary.

-[Jim] DeMint [R-SC] said if someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn't be teaching in the classroom and he holds the same position on an unmarried woman who's sleeping with her boyfriend — she shouldn't be in the classroom.

-News Corp. gives $1 million to the Chamber of Commerce (basically a GOP entity).
Fox is having it both ways right now as a news organization and political campaign. With $2 million direct from their corporate treasury invested in the defeat of Democratic candidates, it is an insult to actual journalists that the network is treated as anything other than a research, fundraising, and communications arm of the Republican Party. They don't belong in the front row of the White House briefing room, they belong at RNC headquarters. -Media Matters VP Ari Rabin-Havt

-Northern Hemisphere winter 2010 2nd hottest in 130 years, summer 4th hottest in 131 years. Yes, Virginia, the earth is getting warmer.

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